Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our studio

Ivy & Me’s apparel is created in a cozy little unfinished room in our basement. 

We hand-craft everything in our collections. It’s all designed, dyed, painted and stitched right here, by just the two of us.

Meredith's trusty Pfaff sewing machine gets the job done.

The concrete walls are a backdrop for our seasons’ inspirations, post cards, maps and peg boards for hanging rulers and french curves.

Our little studio is busting at the seams with textiles supplies like buttons, paints, brushes, Pantone markers, multicolored threads, fabrics... And mind your step; we don’t always catch all of the straight pins on the floor.

Our inspiration corner, complete with Jolly Ranchers.
This is where the magic happens.

Pantone markers for sketching
designs and silhouettes.

We have a small button obsession.
Vintage, modern, wood, plastic, glass, metal...

Monday, February 27, 2012

We are opening our doors this week!

Ivy & Me Apparel Opening on Etsy this Thursday, March 1st!

Stay tuned for our collection of hot hot hot hand-crafted tops, bloomers, skirts and dresses!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Welcome to Ivy & Me Apparel's Blog!

We are so excited to share everything Ivy & Me with you. If you're curious about who we are, how we make our clothes and what we're working on now, this is the place to look.

And, of course, check out our upcoming *Etsy shop* for all of our gorgeous women's clothing!

Feel free to contact us anytime at info@ivyandmeapparel.com. We love to hear from you!

Follow us on Facebook for quick updates!
Find us on Twitter: @ivyandmeapparel